
The Beginner's Healthy Ketogenic Diet: Your Quick Start Guide

Your Quick Start Guide

There are many guides on the ketogenic diet for beginners, but here’s why this one is different:

You'll find healthy ketosis

Unlike traditional forms of the ketogenic diet, Healthy Ketosis uses high-quality, nutrient-rich ingredients to support your health.

I have helped hundreds of people lose weight and regain control of their health.

In this guide, I will show you how to get started with your own ketogenic diet plan even if you are a complete beginner.

Or, if you're a seasoned keto eater, limiting your carb intake, becoming keto-adapted, and enjoying the anti-inflammatory benefits of a low-carb keto approach, you'll find evidence from years of research Get tips and tricks you may not find anywhere else on the web.

let's jump in


What is the Ketogenic Diet?

The ketogenic diet is simply a diet that causes your body to run on what are called ketones rather than sugar from carbohydrates like pasta, cereal, or sugary foods. Ketosis is a type of ketosis when your body starts burning stored or dietary fat as fuel instead of carbohydrates. They are actually a very efficient fuel for your body. The most abundant, and beneficial ketone is called beta-hydroxybutyrate or BHB.

On a typical American diet, your body is constantly converting sugar from carbohydrates into energy. However, when you switch to a high-fat diet and limit your net carbs, your body starts producing ketones for energy. So, on a low-carb diet, your body automatically starts burning fat .

On a ketogenic diet, the goal is to switch your body from burning sugar fuel to fat fuel.

Do you really need carbs?

The dictionary defines carbohydrates as "substances such as sugar or starch that provide the body with energy.

Simple carbohydrates made from refined flour and added sugars are quickly converted to blood sugar (glucose) when you eat them. Complex carbohydrates, such as grains and legumes, convert more slowly. All carbs are converted to sugar in the body anyway - and when your net carb intake is high, you will gain weight.

Throughout your life, you have been told that you need carbohydrates for energy, or that your brain can function solely on glucose, which is made from carbohydrates (a type of sugar). These are myths, as are countless healthy, happy people on low-sugar or low-carb diets . Instead, you can run your body on other fuel sources, such as fatty acids and ketones produced by burning fat. While your body does need very small amounts of glucose (sugar) to function, it has the ability to produce all the glucose or protein it needs internally from fat or protein instead of carbohydrates.

The carbs you do need are vegetables -- but only for the vitamins , minerals , antioxidants , and fiber they provide. Otherwise, your body doesn't need carbohydrates to stay healthy. In fact, the opposite is true. Carbohydrates, especially refined carbs, can negatively impact your health by depleting you of nutrients. Carbohydrates also turn into fat in your body, and they hinder fat burning. (This is why you can't lose weight on a high-carb diet .)

Ketosis Simplified

"Ketosis" is the state your body is in when it converts fat into energy. When the diet is called "ketogenic," it uses only a specific combination of foods to put your body into ketosis using a process called ketosis. This food combination is:

The goal of the ketogenic diet is to get your body into a state of ketosis and keep it there. When you're in ketosis, your body is creating better fuel for itself and your brain.

As you can guess, the foods that kick you out of ketosis are excess carbs and sugar, high in protein. The same goes for eating regularly.

Putting your body into ketosis is like switching from using carbohydrates for energy to using fat for energy. The result is that you start automatically burning fat to get through your day.

Traditional Ketogenic Diet Plans and Healthy Ketosis

While all ketogenic diets have in common that low net carbs induce ketosis, not all ketogenic diets are created equal. In fact, the traditional ketogenic diet does not differentiate between the types of food. Many times, they include processed, genetically modified foods, gluten products, unhealthy trans fats, and synthetic vitamins. This gives keto a bad rap. A healthy ketogenic diet food list is very important to understand. The main goal of traditional low-carb, high-fat ketosis is usually rapid weight loss or epilepsy relief, not necessarily good nutrition. As a result, you can lose weight or reduce some symptoms, but become less healthy overall.

Any type of ketogenic diet, by limiting net carbs, can also reduce your fat-storing hormones— but why limit yourself when there are an impressive variety of long-term health benefits , which await you?

To differentiate my ketogenic plan from others, I coined the term "healthy ketosis". It is based on my guiding principles:

This is not "weight loss is for health", but "health for weight loss!

Healthy Ketosis is groundbreaking because it emphasizes getting the nutrients you need from quality foods like organic vegetables, full-fat organic dairy products, and wild-caught, grass-fed, pasture-raised meats, fish, poultry, and eggs—all of them It's all about making you lose weight healthy, not losing weight to get healthy.

Calories are not counted on the ketogenic diet

As you know, the typical diet centers on calorie counting. You are told that you need to simply consume fewer calories than you burn and you will lose weight no matter where those calories come from. Not only is this wrong, it's unhealthy.

When you look up the definition of food in the dictionary, you can see why:

Food: (n) Food tissue consumed for sustaining life, providing energy, and promoting growth and repair; nutrition. The word "food" comes from an Old English word "foda," which means nourishment.

Diet isn't just about getting calories; it's about getting nutrients from those calories . That's what Healthy Ketogenic® is: getting the nutrients you need from the foods you eat.

Another key point is that not all calories are created equal when it comes to your hormones. Calories from carbohydrates trigger the most fat-making and fat-storage hormones, while calories from fat trigger those same hormones the least .

In other words, you need to eat keto-approved fats to lose fat.

Healthy Ketogenic® Diet Guide

When you remember that food is designed to provide nutrients and not just calories, there are two principles that form the basis of a healthy ketogenic diet:

  • Eating low-carb, high-fat foods causes you to use your own fat stores in ketosis when you eat.

  • Eat foods that provide all the nutrients your body needs for good health.

No sugar at all

To get into ketosis and stay there, stay away from any type of sugar or anything that turns into sugar quickly such as wheat, corn, rice, cereals, most fruits, etc.

When you consume sugar, your body burns it as fuel and you don't experience the health, weight loss benefits of burning fat.

You need to be vigilant about the ingredients in all the foods and drinks you consume. Make sure to check the nutrition labels for sugar or sugar-refining ingredients.

Examples include:

  • sugar
  • fructose
  • Honey
  • brown sugar
  • agave nectar
  • dextrose
  • Maltodextrin
  • high fructose corn syrup
  • Maple sugar
  • rice syrup
  • juice
  • Alcohol

What to eat overview

Regarding a healthy ketogenic plan, I recommend the following breakdown of the types of calories you eat:

Although this plan is not based on calorie counting, I give you these percentage calorie terms because they are common measurement guidelines in the food industry.

The truth about fat

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, widespread media coverage of the so-called virtues of low-fat diets resulted in hundreds of unhealthy low-fat foods on our grocery store shelves. These low-fat processed foods were (and still are) loaded with sweeteners and chemicals to make them more palatable because they lack tasty fats like butter or coconut oil.

Rest assured, healthy dietary fats are an important part of any diet. Your body needs it! Fat aids in cell growth, hormone production, nutrient absorption and more . MCT oil is especially healthy for you and can help the body enter ketosis and stay in it. Our bodies use ketones as fuel without having to process them through the liver. MCT oil can be taken during intermittent fasting, and medium-chain triglyceride oil can be taken in moderation without breaking the fast.

While 70% of dietary fat may seem like excess, remember we are talking about 70% of total calories. Because fat has more than twice the calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates, the amount of fat per weight is much smaller. Instead focus on 70% and let's look at the amount of food on your plate.

I recommend that you gradually increase your daily fat intake. If you add too much fat too quickly, you can overwhelm your gallbladder, which can lead to shoulder pain and bloating. Keto involves eating more fat, and your body adapts to this by producing more bile. There are huge benefits of ox gallbladder which can help support the production of bile in the gallbladder. Ox Bile can be found in our Gallbladder formula to help support digestion. This is a gradual process and may take time, so if you respond to an increase in dietary fat, reduce it a bit and introduce it more slowly.

On my healthy ketogenic plan, you'll eat beef, big salads, butter, and eggs. If you're wondering how many grams of fat you'll be consuming, it's in the range of 20 to 50 grams per meal.

I recommend everyone to start with more fat at the beginning to help satisfy you between meals. As your body adapts to ketosis over time, you will need to lose more weight if you can lose fat. Since your ketones are produced from your own body fat, or the dietary fat you eat, eating too much fat may prevent you from losing fat on your own, especially if you have a slow metabolism despite still being in ketosis state.

Healthy dietary fats include:

Moderate protein

Organic, grass-fed raw meats, pasture-raised eggs, and wild-caught fish are perfect for this diet. Fatty fish and meat are recommended to illustrate your stay in ketosis. An important note is that the leaner the protein, the more it will elevate your fat-storing hormones, thus preventing ketosis .

Remember, this is a moderate protein diet. While you may have heard stories of people going crazy and eating all the lackluster cheeseburgers they want while on a low-carb diet, eating too much protein can cause some of the protein to be converted to glucose and kick-start you out of ketosis.

Only need three to six ounces of protein per meal if you have a fast metabolism, you're exercising, or are a big guy. Don't worry about counting grams here, because when it comes to protein, it can be a little complicated—just stick to three to six ounces per meal while you're on a ketogenic diet.

Below is an example of three (3) ounces of protein versus six (6) ounces.

low carb

Limit your net carbs to keep your body in ketosis. Choose healthier carbohydrate-type diets that are more keto-friendly, such as greens and leafy vegetables. You will be able to consume few berries too.

Stay away from the following carbohydrates:

If you feel like you might be missing out on your favorite high-carb meals, there are plenty of ketogenic alternatives that I'll share with you later in this article. One of the beauties of the ketogenic diet is that once you adapt to fat burning, your hunger and cravings will subside so much that you may not even miss your favorites .


Eating enough keto-friendly vegetables is an important part of this healthy keto diet plan. These vegetables will provide your body with adequate nutrients and help you stay in ketosis. Your main choices are leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables .

The more raw vegetables you can eat, the better. However, if you bloat vegetables when you eat, you need to start with a small amount of raw vegetables or steam them or drink some vegetable drinks .

A large salad for lunch or dinner can provide several cups of greens. For dinner, steam and top the vegetables with butter. For a wealth of ideas, you can check out my free ketogenic cookbook.

Although avocados are fruits, their high levels of healthy fats mean you can eat them freely on a ketogenic diet. A typical avocado also contains fiber and only two grams of carbohydrates. Additionally, it includes minerals like potassium, which is a healthy addition to the ketogenic diet. Avocados also help improve triglyceride and cholesterol levels .

Avoid corn and soy; they are often genetically modified organism (GMO) foods that are problematic on a ketogenic diet.

Choose carbohydrates

To keep your body in ketosis, your carbohydrate consumption should be between 20 and 50 grams/day. You can still have the occasional snack that's packed with healthy protein, like Satisfied Keto Chicken Nuggets, which we have a recipe for. These images show you typical serving sizes of carbohydrates on a ketogenic diet:

What does 20-50 grams of carbs look like?

28g hummus = 3g net carbs 60g raspberries = 7.5g net carbs
56g hummus = 6g net carbs 70g blackberries = 8g net carbs
141 grams of butternut squash = 16 grams Net carbs Total: 18.5 grams Net carbs Total: 22 grams net carbs
120g raspberries = 15g net carbs 56g hummus = 6g net carbs
123g blackberries = 14g net carbs 120g raspberries = 15g net carbs
97 grams of butternut squash = 11 grams of net carbs 123 grams of blackberries = 14 grams of net carbs Total: 40 grams of net carbs 132 grams of butternut squash = 15 grams of net carbs Total: 50 grams of net carbs
85 grams of carrots = 6 grams of net carbs 85 grams of carrots = 6 grams of net carbs
56 grams of almonds = 6 grams of net carbs 47 grams of almonds = 5 grams of net carbs
30g sunflower seeds = 3g net carbs 136g beets = 9.2g net carbs
42 grams of hummus = 5 grams of net carbs Total: 20.2 grams of net carbs Total: 20 grams of net carbs
250g tomatoes = 7g net carbs 170g carrots = 12g net carbs
170 g carrots = 12 g net carbs 136 g beets = 9.2 g net carbs
136 grams of beets = 9.2 grams of net carbs 250 grams of tomatoes = 7 grams of net carbs
30 grams sunflower seeds = 3 grams net carbs 2 medium avocados = 8 grams net carbs
42g hummus = 5g net carbs 56g almonds = 6g net carbs
56 grams almonds = 6 grams net carbs 100 grams acorn squash = 8 grams net carbs Total: 42.2 grams net carbs Total: 50.2 grams net carbs

When choosing carbohydrates, avoid unhealthy carbohydrates such as grains and potatoes or concentrated carbohydrates such as juice. They are not part of a low-carb diet; they will knock you out of ketosis, increase your fat-storing hormones, and bring your weight loss to a screeching halt.

I've mentioned net carbs many times. Net carbs in food are calculated as follows: total carbs minus fiber = net carbs.

It's worth calculating the amount of net carbs in many of the foods you eat. Doing so will help you stick to the ketogenic diet with ease and increase your awareness of the nutritional value of the foods you put into your body.

Here are other carbs to avoid:

  • All fruits (except blackberries and raspberries because of their impact on blood sugar)
  • grains (such as bread)
  • Honey
  • agave syrup
  • rice syrup
  • Maple sugar
  • Tubers, such as potatoes and yams

You should also avoid foods that contain unhealthy artificial sweeteners, such as aspartame, Nutrasweet, Equation, sucralose, or saccharin. There's one more to avoid; it's called maltitol. Despite being billed as sugar-free, it will spike your blood sugar just like sugar .

Healthy Keto® Drinks and Foods

Now that I’ve mentioned a few things about the foods and drinks you should avoid on a low-carb diet, here’s the good news: You can eat them on a ketogenic diet as a beginner. Make it easy for you to compare healthy foods with healthy foods To avoid that, I've put them together in this section:

The best beverage option during ketosis is purified water. Choose from filtered or spring water, sparkling or bottled.

Other Healthy Ketogenic® options include:

  • herbal tea
  • lemonade
  • bone broth
  • Carbonated drinks without sugar or with xylitol, stevia, or erythritol
  • Apple cider vinegar added to spring water
  • unsweetened almond milk
  • Small amounts of coffee, preferably just one cup a day

If the tea is naturally caffeine-free, you can drink it throughout the day. Many people use tea to help them fast for longer periods of time when they start combining keto with intermittent fasting. (I will cover intermittent fasting later in this document.

If you use cream, use organic half and half or whole cream. Even better if you can get grass fed.

It's a good idea to add some electrolytes to your water to help ease your transition into ketosis. Your body needs these minerals, especially potassium, magnesium and even salt (sea salt)

drinks to avoid

Avoid the following liquids:

  • Diet soda or any beverage containing aspartame, sweetener, equid, sucralose, saccharin or acesulfame potassium (another artificial sweetener)
  • Alcohol
  • coconut water (because of the sugar content)
  • juice
  • Sweetened Cranberry Juice
  • Milk, except half and half and whole cream.

Ketogenic Recipes From Your Favorite Foods

Do you like buttery, chocolate brownies? How about pizza? You don't have to sacrifice these healthy keto diet treats if you tweak the recipes.

With a little effort, you can convert your favorite snacks into low-carb keto versions. Try substituting wheat flour for wheat flour, almond flour or coconut flour . Almond flour is great for everything from pancakes to pie crusts. Substitute sugar, honey, or other sweeteners containing xylitol, stevia, or monk fruit sweetener.

Wait until you check out my pizza recipe using cauliflower in the crust.

And my favorite, making mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes!

We have lots of recipes for replacing your favorite versions of foods with keto-friendly ones.

Ketogenic Breakfast Meals

Asparagus and Bacon Frittata Cheese and Onion Omelet

Ketogenic lunches and dinners

Bacon Cheeseburger Wraps Salmon Cabbage Bowl

Ketogenic Chicken Pot Pie Skillet Pizza

Ketosis Salad

Keto Steak Salad Chicken Salad Green Salad

Keto Desserts

Peanut Butter Chocolate Fat Bombs Chocolate Chip Cookies

Coconut Macaroons Pound Cake Muffins

Simplified Ketogenic Meal Planning

You'll find it much easier to maintain a healthy Ketogenic® diet when you plan your meals ahead of time.

If you've never meal planned before, consider how to cook multiple meals at once. The salmon you had on Monday night can also be part of your Tuesday lunch. Steamed broccoli or Brussels sprouts can go with your grass-fed steak tonight and a salad tomorrow. Drizzle olive oil, a good source of healthy fats called omega-3 , over your veggies and you've got yourself a delicious low-carb keto meal.

In other words, you don't have to follow a long list of recipe ingredients. You can use basic foods that take a few minutes to prepare.

Other things that come in handy is that it saves time by not eating as often. When you're in ketosis, your hunger will naturally subside and you'll find yourself eating less often each day. When you do it intentionally, it's called intermittent fasting ( IF) - and it will help you save a lot of money. Most people on keto and IF eat two meals a day, some even one meal a day. This is called OMAD (one meal a day).

Here are some sample ketogenic meal plans:

Ketosis Shopping List

Once you've settled on a few recipes, check out our list of recommended keto-approved food brands. Create your own shopping list for meals you want to create and for when you're on the go and have something to eat quickly when you're on the go but still want to stay in ketosis. Instead of succumbing to the temptation of high carbs!

When you go to the store, you need to read the label to look for very low sugar content, no soybean oil or corn oil. I have a list of brands that I recommend you check out here.

foods to avoid

The following foods should be avoided:

  • starchy foods, such as white potatoes
  • Sweet Potatoes and Yams
  • French fries
  • bread
  • cereal
  • biscuit
  • bagel
  • oatmeal
  • rice
  • corn
  • pasta
  • dumpling
  • Foods containing MSG (monosodium glutamate)
  • brown sugar
  • molasses
  • Honey
  • Maple sugar
  • sweetened yogurt

Seven Foods and Drinks You Should Never Eat on a Healthy Ketogenic® Diet

1. Orange juice

Commercial orange juice is pasteurized, which means it's heated to high temperatures to kill bacteria. The pasteurization process destroys any vitamin C, enzymes or other nutritional benefits. You're basically drinking a glass of water and sugar .

2. Soy protein isolate (processed soy protein)

Many protein powders and bars contain soy protein isolate. The human body does not perform well on this highly processed product. It stimulates the liver and may increase your estrogen levels .

3. High fructose corn syrup

This syrup is found in hundreds of foods and beverages. It spikes sugar in your blood, causing your body to start burning sugar and stop burning fat for energy .

4. Processed meats containing nitrates

Nitrates are chemicals added to food that act as preservatives to stop bacteria from growing. They are commonly found in sandwich meats such as salami, hot dogs, bacon, and sausage .

5. Milk from large commercial dairies

Most milk sold from large dairies contains residues of antibiotics and hormones used to keep cows producing milk. These substances can have negative effects on your body .

6. Packaging frozen food

These low-quality meals, once called "TV dinners," contain unhealthy proteins, starches, and carbohydrates that prevent fat burning.

7. Imported fruits

Not all countries have health and safety laws regarding pesticides such as DDT, which is banned in the United States. Even if you can't sell DDT in the United States, it will be sold to someone else. nation. These countries then exported DDT-exposed fruit to the United States. In short, we cannot control the pesticides used by foreign countries, but we can avoid their fruit imports.

Healthy Ketogenic® with Intermittent

Now that you know a little about the ketogenic diet and my Healthy Ketogenic® plan, it's time to introduce you to intermittent fasting (IF).

Intermittent fasting 16/8 skip breakfast eat first meal at 1pm last meal at 9pm skip dinner first meal at 7am last 3pm

When you hear the word "fasting," you might think that you have to starve for hours without food. That's not what I'm talking about! Intermittent fasting is not a starvation plan, but another powerful strategy for promoting the health and weight loss benefits of Healthy Ketogenic® .

Intermittent fasting explained

Intermittent fasting is not a diet; it is a pattern of eating without eating. It's not about cutting calories; it's about changing when you eat and when you don't.

Intermittent fasting triggers one of the most powerful hormones in your body. It's called growth hormone (GH). GH has anti-aging properties and is the most powerful fat burning hormone you have. Additionally, it protects your muscles and builds lean body mass . A healthy ketogenic diet will help you avoid hormonal imbalances and ensure you are getting the proper nutrients for optimal health.

Fasting has another substantial benefit: Your fat-storing hormones decrease .

Fat storage hormone is a hormone produced by the pancreas as the body's defense against glucose (sugar). When there is glucose in the blood, the pancreas produces fat storage hormones to quickly remove the sugar and feed it to the cells to store it as fat. This explains why you get a quick burst of energy after eating a sugary snack. Of course, it lasts only a second before fat-storing hormones kick in to remove the sugar, leaving you with hypoglycemic fatigue (also called a blood sugar crash).

Why Should You Care About Your Fat-Storing Hormone Levels? Because fat-storing hormones work in the presence of fat, you can't lose weight; fat-storing hormones prevent fat burning. In fact, the fat storage hormone is so dominant; it actually blocks the beneficial growth hormones I mentioned.

Eating Triggers Fat-Storing Hormones – Even if you are on a ketogenic diet, you will trigger some fat-storing hormones. Therefore, the less you eat, the less your fat-storing hormones are produced.

Interesting if you burn 2000 calories in a day but eat them. You'll gain more weight because of this fat-storing hormone factor, spread out over six meals compared to two.

Therefore, intermittent fasting allows you to influence fat storage hormones and growth hormone to your benefit.

How Intermittent Fasting Speeds Up Fat Burning

Your body needs very little sugar to function. In fact, it only requires 1 teaspoon of sugar per day and can be easily converted from the protein or fat you eat. You don't need any dietary sugar. Yet the average American consumes 31 teaspoons of sugar a day—30 times more than the body needs!

Sugar is highly toxic to the body. It causes damage to nerves, affects vision, increases the risk of heart disease and stroke, and leads to Alzheimer's and other diseases . Paying attention to your poop and knowing what's in toxic poop can mean preventing serious health problems.

When sugar is detected in your body, fat-storing hormones use it as their primary fuel source. Not because it's a high quality fuel, but because it does a lot of damage to your body to get rid of it as quickly as possible. People mistakenly believe that this body response means that sugar is the body's primary preferred fuel. But as you can see, that's not the case.

However, carbs are not the only thing that causes the body to produce fat-storing hormones. When you eat any type of food, it triggers the production of fat-storing hormones. As a result, even healthy fat stores in the body spike hormone levels every time you eat and prevent fat burning pain. The body is not designed to eat and graze all day long. That means snacking is a very bad habit!

A healthy Ketogenic® diet combined with intermittent fasting maximizes fat burning by:

1. Greatly reduce the volume of carbohydrates (sugar), thereby reducing fat storage hormones in the body.

2. Providing a longer period of growth hormone that can burn fat from fat storage hormones without interruption.

You might be thinking, how on earth do people stay on ketosis without feeling deprived, hungry, and cranky? The reason people - like you - can maintain this eating plan and stick to it easily is because cravings and hunger disappear, you maintain stable energy levels, and feel more positive.

You May Be in a State of Fat Storage Hormone Resistance

When your body has chronically high levels of sugar and fat-storing hormones, it tries to protect itself by blocking the fat-storing hormones from transporting sugar to your cells. This causes sugar levels to remain in the blood instead of being absorbed by cells.

The body then detects the excess sugar in the blood. The pancreas responds by producing even more fat-storing hormones to lower excess blood sugar - even as the cells continue to resist it. This is called "fat storage hormone resistance ."

Fat storage hormone resistance is a destructive cycle for the body. It causes elevated levels of fat-storing hormones and sugar, which absolutely inhibits weight loss. As if these problems weren't bad enough, fat-storing hormones also have more serious effects.

Chronically elevated sugar and fat-storing hormones have a negative impact on the body. Take type 2 diabetes, for example, a disease caused by resistance to fat-storing hormones. People with type 2 diabetes are at increased risk of blindness, kidney failure, nerve damage, stroke and heart attack, and other serious health problems. Taking natural beta blockers in some cases can help reduce some of the risks associated with heart problems.

Eating low-carbohydrate foods on a ketogenic diet, along with eating less frequently as before with intermittent fasting, can help reverse fat-storing hormone resistance .

How to Transition to Intermittent Fasting (H3)

There are different levels of intermittent fasting. I recommend these steps for a gradual transition:

Level 1. three meals a day

Many people eat multiple times a day, with snacks in between and snacks for dinner afterwards. They don't realize that they are actually increasing their fat-storing hormones throughout the day.

Therefore, the first level of IF is for you to eat three meals a day and no snacks.

Your ability to go from one meal to the next without being hungry involves eating more fat, which will keep you satisfied longer.

Chart showing how fat-storing hormones spike after breakfast lunch dinner

Level 2. Three meals a day within eight hours

When you're satisfied with three meals a day, you can take your fat burning to the next level by implementing the IF pattern of fasting for 16 hours while eating all three meals within an eight-hour window.

Ideally, you'll want to wait four hours before eating your first meal. If you wake up at 6 a.m., you'll have breakfast at 10 a.m., lunch at 2 p.m., and then you'll have your last meal. 6 p.m. (or earlier) eight hours later.

You'll burn more fat with this 16:8 pattern because you're giving your body more uninterrupted fasting time.

Level 3. Two meals a day

Cutting down from three meals a day to two will really enhance fat burning. But for best results, you should transition to two meals a day within six hours. This will give you 18 hours of fasting and <> hours of eating.

Eat your first meal at 12 noon and your last meal at 6 pm.

The real power of IF is at night when you sleep, and in the morning when you don't eat until noon. That's when you have some serious uninterrupted time fat burning.

At this point, try to close the eating window to four hours, giving you a 20-hour fast.

On a 20:4 schedule, you will notice more health benefits, especially reduced inflammation.

Graph showing how fat-storing hormones stay low for longer periods of time when you delay or skip breakfast

Level 4. One Meal a Day (OMAD)

Many people end up eating just once a day, but I recommend letting your body tell you when to eat.

The rule of thumb is "only eat when you're hungry" and don't eat if you're not hungry.

So a lot of people snack in the evening and between meals, when they're not hungry at all: either they're eating in social situations, or it's a bad habit, or eating gives you something to do when you're bored.

Most people eat one meal at dinner. You have to make sure it is nutritionally dense and supplies you with all the nutrients. You don't have to eat the same calories three times a day as you did before because there's just so much food. Eat what you can and realize that when fasting, your body reduces its nutritional needs.

Graph showing how fat storage hormones stay low and rise only after one meal per day

give it time

It can take some time to go from three meals a day to two meals a day, one meal a day, within four hours. It may take longer, up to three weeks or more, if you have some metabolic issues or other stressful events from years of dieting.

And you don't have to do this yourself! I offer a free mini-course on how to do intermittent fasting.

The Life-Changing Benefits of Low Carb

We've covered a lot about the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting. But it is important to remember why I am giving you all this information. These are not just “good eating tips,” but a roadmap that many people have followed to revolutionize their lives, just like you can from our pre and post keto success stories.

Healthy Ketogenic® and life-changing benefits of intermittent fasting include:

1. Provides more efficient fuel for the body

All About The Healthy Ketogenic Diet™. You're burning your own body fat for energy instead of relying on carbohydrates. It's a cleaner, more efficient way of fueling the body.

2. Significant weight loss

Healthy Ketosis® and IF produce some of the fastest weight loss of any diet. They can also eliminate stubborn belly fat .

3. Brain Booster

The ketogenic diet may improve memory and alleviate cognitive disorders such as childhood epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and other neurological problems .

4. Happier prospects

When your body runs on sugar, you can become irritable and cranky as soon as you get your sugar supply. Instead, your body relies on ketones to stabilize your blood sugar and mental outlook.

5. Reduce hunger and cravings

The ketogenic diet can stabilize your blood sugar levels. This reduces cravings and hunger which can overwhelm a dieter.

6. Break through the weight loss barrier

Do you have a fixed weight point that you can't seem to get past? This will repair your metabolism so you can break through that point where weight loss stalls.

7. Control fat-storing hormone levels (and your health)

High levels of fat-storing hormones pose serious risks to your health. Untreated, high levels of fat-storing hormones can lead to serious physical conditions, including diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular problems, and Alzheimer's disease, to name a few. The ketogenic diet allows you to control your fat-storing hormone levels. Not only will it vastly improve your health; it could save your life.

We have hundreds of ketogenic success stories from followers of the ketogenic diet who have changed their lives by restoring their health, losing weight, rejuvenating their bodies, and restoring their zest for life. By following the simple principles described here, anyone who wants to make a change for the better can reap these benefits.

6 Most Important Ketogenic Tips

Here are some tips for adapting to ketosis

  • 1. Use a ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting at the same time.
  • 2. Add apple cider vinegar and lemon to the water.
  • 3. Supplement your diet with electrolytes and nutritional yeast .
  • 4. If you feel very hungry between meals, add only a small fat snack and no protein.
  • 5. Add more fat to your meals.
  • 6. Add more green vegetables to your diet.

Overcoming Barriers to Ketogenic Success

Sticking to a diet can be difficult when you're eating out, attending social events, or just simply participating in many different aspects of your life. Here are the suggestions that worked for me:

find a friend

When you go out to eat, ask those around you to support you.

Choose a keto-friendly restaurant.

Part of winning this battle is choosing a restaurant that offers a variety of healthy, low-carb options. Order meat, fish, cheese and vegetables without breading. Salads are generally good if they aren't loaded with high-carb vegetables or toppings.

ask for the right salad dressing

A little olive oil and balsamic vinegar make a healthy and delicious salad dressing. Condiments like fatty Caesar, ranch, or blue cheese are acceptable in moderation. Ask your server for recommendations that suit your needs.

Bring your own

Consider bringing your own snacks and drinks to the party.

Think Twice Before Jumping

Certain foods may make you feel better when you're under stress. But any apparent comfort you anticipate will be short-lived, followed by the physical and emotional discomfort of being off a ketogenic plan. Be proactive and ask yourself what problem you are trying to solve. Reduce temptation by eating a hearty breakfast that contains plenty of protein. Finally, eat comfort food alternatives like avocado with salsa and feta, keto feta , cauliflower popcorn with sea salt and organic butter, or make a keto-friendly dessert. And get B vitamins from nutritional yeast to reduce stress.

boring diet

Realize that any food you eat out of boredom will never truly satisfy you. Your cravings will probably kick in after about an hour. Plan your day so you don't have gaps in which you get stuck in boredom. If you tend to bore your way through dinner, make sure your dinner has plenty of fat and greens so you'll be completely satisfied throughout the evening.

Keep a journal and break your bad habits

Keeping track of what you eat and how you feel after eating is crucial. The reason is as follows. There will be times when you stuff yourself or slip, eat something sweet, and feel tired and bloated. It will be easier to change if you document and review your patterns. You want to learn from past failures. I promise if you're craving something sweet today, it's because of what you ate yesterday. If you are logged in, it will be easy to find.

11 Ketogenic Myths Busted

There is a lot of misinformation about the ketogenic diet, spread by people who are not on the ketogenic diet know a lot about it.

Myth #1 Our Brains Need More Carbs Than This Diet

This myth is based on the idea that your brain can only run on glucose. In fact, as your body depletes its glucose stores, it will start running on ketones, which are a lot healthier for the brain than burning carbs. In fact, there are some brain diseases like Alzheimer's that improve with a ketogenic diet.

Myth #2 Ketogenic high-fat diets are dangerous.

There are many studies that prove that a ketogenic diet can improve health conditions such as heart disease , epilepsy or diabetes . Here are some:

Myth #3 The Ketogenic Diet Will Shorten Your Life

I found a study claiming that a low carb diet shortens lifespan. When I took a closer look, I found that the researchers had a conflict of interest because they had received payments from Big Pharma. Furthermore, this "study" was based on a questionnaire that only used people's memories of their meals.

Myth #4 The Ketogenic Diet Will Give You a Fatty Liver

What gives a person fatty liver is high levels of sugar in the body. Any blood sugar is not needed immediately for energy to be converted into fat and sent to the liver. The Healthy Ketogenic Diet allows the body to flush stored fat, including fat from the liver, so it no longer needs it .

Myth #5 Ketogenic Diets Can Cause Nutrient Deficiencies

Traditional ketogenic diets may result in some nutritional deficiencies because they focus on weight loss, not nutrition. This is why I developed the healthy keto diet. It's a ketogenic diet with this twist: It's based on getting all the nutrients you need from the foods you eat.

Myth #6 Ketogenic diets are not good for hypoglycemic patients

With hypoglycemia, the sugar levels in the blood drop too much. This makes a person irritable and crave carbohydrates. But keto doesn't cause your blood sugar to drop; instead, eating sweets or starches can. If you are prone to hypoglycemia, make sure to 1) eat more fat at each meal, 2) not eat too frequently, 3) avoid sugar and carbohydrates, and, 4) include plenty of green leafy vegetables to provide minerals ( Especially potassium and magnesium ) help store fat hormone resistance. You can check out my #1 tip video for people with hypoglycemia.

Myth #7 The Ketogenic Diet Causes Bad Breath

Bad breath is easy to deal with by eating 7 to 10 cups of low-carb vegetables a day. If your breath smells of ammonia, cut back on your protein. If you overload your body with protein, it cannot digest it and the protein becomes waste. Vegetable notes offset this.

Myth #8 Ketogenic Diets Can Cause Kidney Damage

The kidneys are actually damaged by high levels of fat-storing hormones or sugar. A healthy keto diet reduces fat-storing hormones and sugar levels. It also requires eating lots of green vegetables to support kidney health through minerals like potassium, and this video will explain more about how a healthy keto diet actually protects your kidneys .

Myth #9 The Ketogenic Diet Causes Ketoacidosis

Ketoacidosis is a serious disease related to diabetes. Ketosis is a different state caused by the body burning fat for energy instead of burning carbohydrates for energy. The two have nothing to do.

Myth #10 The Ketogenic Diet is Unsustainable

Our bodies aren't designed to absorb the typical American's high amounts of sugar. Consume within a day. Excessive sugar intake can lead to high blood sugar and fat-storing hormone levels, ultimately filling the liver with fat. Burning ketones for fuel, which is what the ketogenic diet does, is much healthier than burning carbs. Your brain can use ketones for fuel indefinitely. I explain why this diet works long term in this video.

Myth #11 The ketogenic diet is too restrictive.

The restrictions on the ketogenic diet are to prevent the consumption of unhealthy foods. Just as a doctor would advise a patient to quit smoking in order to prolong the patient's life, I advise ketogenic followers to limit the intake of foods that can lead to diabetes, organ damage, heart disease, fatigue and many other unwanted physical conditions. Patients who prefer to quit smoking, keto followers lead happier and healthier lives.

Ketogenic Diet Side Effects and How to Get Rid of Them

When your body transitions from burning carbohydrates to burning fat. I don't want you to suffer, so I try to give you the remedy:


Reduce fat. Adding apple cider vinegar to apple cider vinegar does not break the fast , another benefit is. It could state adding bile salts, like you did in my gallbladder recipe . However, if your bloating comes from vegetables, cut back on them too. Bloating can come from certain types of vegetables. For example, I can't eat broccoli without feeling cramped. Then avoid it. Most cruciferous vegetables should be steamed or even cooked, which will also increase the phytonutrients in those vegetables.

high cholesterol

Cholesterol is found in your fat cells. When you lose weight, you are releasing your fat and cholesterol from fat cells. This is why your cholesterol will rise, at least temporarily, when you start a ketogenic plan. However, most people find their cholesterol lowered.


That could mean too much meat or cheese. Add vegetables and potassium. If you are already consuming a lot of vegetables, you may need to change the types of vegetables you eat. Adding more fermented vegetables can do wonders for your digestive system . However, in some cases, too many vegetables can lead to constipation . This can happen especially if you have a condition called small bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO).


Added B vitamins from nutritional yeast.


If you experience vivid dreams or nightmares, add more B1 from nutritional yeast.

Flu-like symptoms, commonly known as the keto flu

Symptoms of the keto flu include headaches, body aches, cravings, brain fog, and fatigue. This is a symptom of the shift from burning sugar to burning fat. You need more electrolytes and B vitamins from nutritional yeast.


This is usually a case of hypoglycemia. Your brain hasn’t fully adapted to ketosis yet. Adding another meal for a while until your body adapts to being more efficient can be extended without lowering blood sugar. But make sure it's like I explain in the book.

menstrual cycle changes

Make sure you're getting enough food and the right amount of carbohydrates. If you are exercising heavily, relax while your body adjusts to this diet.

heart palpitations

When your body gets rid of stored sugars it doesn't need, you lose a lot of water and this washes away minerals. Add more potassium .

decreased athletic performance

Make sure you have enough food, but don't eat more than the recommended amount of protein. Do not reduce protein below the recommended amount. B1 is usually added (natural and/or nutritional yeast work).


You may need to get more B vitamins from nutritional yeast, or your liver may be working to eliminate toxins . You can support your liver by maintaining your vegetable intake.

bad breath

If your breath smells of ammonia, cut back on protein and add more salad to your diet. You can also add a little apple cider vinegar to help with digestion.


Cut back on your protein and make sure you eat plenty of veggies. Stay well hydrated; this not only adds more water, but also more electrolytes (which may come from vegetables). Most of the time when someone comes to me with this complaint, I find that they are not doing Healthy Ketogenic® and Intermittent Fasting like I recommend in my book.

cold feeling

Add high-quality iodine kelp to your diet, especially during intermittent fasting. Cold intermittent fasting also happens when you do this because your body doesn't get the frequency of meals it used to; therefore, it doesn't have to work as much and your thyroid is just trying to adapt.


This usually means you need more salt ( sea salt ).


Take more vitamins B1 and B5. Nutritional yeast will provide these and other B vitamins as well.

hair loss

Check your calories and make sure you're getting enough nutrient-dense foods. You may need to increase your protein. Sometimes you need more trace minerals, too.

hunger and thirst

Add more fat to your meals. This will typically complete a transition into ketosis once your body has completed it. You may also need to stay green.

muscle cramps

Add a potassium supplement and make sure you get enough potassium-rich vegetables. This may be a magnesium deficiency and rarely a sodium deficiency. I recommend getting me electrolyte powder for this

Lower back pain or abdominal pain:

If you experience pain when starting a ketogenic program, you may have kidney stones forming. Add more potassium citrate from the electrolyte powder . Drink plenty of water with 3 to 4 ounces of lemon juice. Another hack that works well is to add 1 level teaspoon of baking soda to some water early in the morning, but not just at meals. This will adjust the pH and help reduce uric acid levels.

right shoulder pain

Too many nuts due to chemical lectins. reduce. Also, do stricter intermittent fasting and start extending the time between meals. Sometimes there are instructions to avoid cheese too.


This usually indicates that more salt is needed. Sea salt is the best source.

There is also a really nice video that covers this material. Often, changing the balance of macronutrients, hydrating more, or adding vitamin or mineral supplements will lessen unwanted side effects.

Keto Troubleshooting

Here are some keto troubleshooting tips:

Achieve Ketosis Faster

You can drop your net carbs down to 10% or less. You can also drop your fat down to 75%, forcing your body to burn more fat. Take the Body Shape Quiz to learn more about your body type and what path is right for you.

No evidence of ketone bodies in urine

Some people use urine test strips to tell if they are in ketosis. If you've been following the diet strictly for a few months and they haven't appeared, you may be burning all the ketones. Realize that ketones pass through the urine as waste products. Over time, your system will become more efficient and burn more ketones, leaving fewer ketones in your urine. Make sure you get enough sleep. If you haven’t tried intermittent fasting yet, this will help you get into a state of ketosis.

Adjust Your Dietary Fat

Stick to nutrient-dense fats like grass-fed butter, avocado, olive or coconut oil. Coconut oil is particularly good because it contains what are called medium-chain triglycerides, a type of fat that is good for inducing more fat burning and is also found in coconut. Some other fats, like corn, soybean oil, or cottonseed oil, are not only nutritionally empty, And often GMO too - avoid vegetable oils and seed oils like canola which is derived from canola.

Digestion and Bloating

Make sure the vegetables you eat won't make you bloated. If so, switch the type or reduce the amount. Add apple cider vinegar to your diet to help your digestion.

sleep and stress

Sleep problems are often caused by stress stuck in the body. Your adrenal glands regulate stress. Three minerals that help reduce stress are potassium, magnesium, and vitamin B1. I've also developed a do-it-yourself technique for removing stress from your body. Know your adrenal body type so you can find a solution that works for you.

Adjust your carbs

Even if you're counting net carbs in grams, don't let it stop you from eating lots of leafy greens. You need 7 to 10 cups of nonstarchy vegetables a day to get enough vitamins and minerals to feel good.

adjust protein

Beef, lamb, and bison are good proteins, but make sure they are grass-fed. As with poultry or eggs, buy organic food, otherwise you may be exposed to GMOs in the feed these animals eat.

Deal with specific physical problems

Here are some keto troubleshooting tips:

autoimmune disease

Medical treatment for autoimmune diseases is usually cortisol or prednisone. One of the best things you can do is reduce the amount of stress in your life. An improved diet that contains plenty of nutrients can also help alleviate these problems. But the most powerful thing you can do is do intermittent fasting.

pain and inflammation

Pain can have many causes, some of which may prevent you from losing weight. I explain more about the various causes of pain and their solutions.

Lecithin can be found in beef, egg yolks, and organ meats. Adding lecithin to your diet can help relieve inflammation. Lecithin is found in many animal and plant tissues. Sunflower seeds are a rich source of sunflower lecithin


Significantly reducing carbohydrates and increasing fat in the diet can improve most diabetic conditions. I talk more about diabetes.

irritable bowel syndrome

Eliminating gluten, grains and dairy is a good start. Fermented foods can also be beneficial. Get more tips on overcoming IBS on my blog.

Thyroid disease

Problems with a sluggish thyroid often stem from more fundamental problems. Supporting the liver and gallbladder is often the solution. Bile salts or, in women, estrogen balance may also be needed. See Thyroid Size article for more information.

sleep apnea

Lowering blood sugar can relieve sleep apnea. You can also benefit from adding vitamin B1 by consuming nutritional yeast.

small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

Intermittent fasting is very illustrated. Keep sugar and high levels of fiber off your diet. For this condition, avoid vegetables for a month. Add apple cider vinegar and betaine hydrochloride supplements to reduce stress.

Drugs and the Ketogenic Diet

Some medications interfere with ketosis and may cause weight gain or hinder weight loss. These drugs include:

  • Maltodextrin
  • cortisone
  • Estrogen and Birth Control Pills
  • fat storage hormone
  • high blood pressure drugs

If you are not losing weight and are taking any of the above medications, talk to your doctor about alternative solutions, including natural remedies.


Antidepressants can stop your weight loss. If you are taking antidepressants, ask your doctor for another option.


This medication is for people with diabetes and women with PCOS. Hormones that lower fat storage low carb diets are documented, as is exercise. But there are other things you can do: get more sun and sleep, reduce stress, take apple cider vinegar, eat cinnamon, take vitamin B1.


When you cut out sugar and refined carbohydrates, you may see your cholesterol levels drop. When they do, ask your doctor if you can stop the statin. One side effect of statins is resistance to fat-storing hormones, which is one of the things we're trying to get rid of.

Ketogenic diet for vegetarians

If you are a vegetarian, you will have to eat low carb vegetarian protein. Avoid fruits, grains, juices, potatoes, rice, any sugar and corn. But be sure to eat healthy fats like olives, avocados, nuts, nut butters, chia seeds, pecans, coconut, mushrooms, peanut butter, tofu (non-GMO), hummus and many other foods.

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