關於瀏覽器 about browser

About browserabout browser

Open eight browsers at the same time

We tested 8 browsers (Hong Kong version)
Including Apple safari, google chrome, edge, Firefox, opera, brave, and 360

We tested the Hong Kong version and concluded that except for the 360 ​​comparison card, everything else runs smoothly on our Hong Kong version website.

Tomorrow we will return to Shenzhen to test the domestic version of the website, so stay tuned


We tested eight browsers (Hong Kong version)
Including Apple safari, google chrome, edge, Firefox, opera, brave, and 360

We tested the Hong Kong version and came to the conclusion that except for the 360 ​​comparison card, everything else works smoothly on our Hong Kong version website

Tomorrow we will return to Shenzhen to test the domestic version of the website, so stay tuned

We tested eight browsers (Hong Kong version)

Include: Apple safari, google chrome, edge, Firefox, opera, brave, and 360

no big problem. just 360 browser a bit laggy.

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