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TUDCA+|牛磺熊去氧膽酸,60粒,肝臟排毒 ,支持肝臟健康,支持心臟健康及腸胃健康

TUDCA+|牛磺熊去氧膽酸,60粒,肝臟排毒 ,支持肝臟健康,支持心臟健康及腸胃健康

定價 Dhs. 385.00 AED
定價 售價 Dhs. 385.00 AED
特價 售罄
  • 肝臟解毒
  • 支持肝臟健康
  • 抗氧化劑的來源
產品類型:Allmax Essentials
tudca 證書
肝臟排毒和腸道健康 TUDCA(牛磺熊去氧膽酸)是一種鮮為人知的成分,可以快速改善您的肝功能!TUDCA 是膽汁酸的組成部分。您的身體只能產生少量,但透過口服補充劑,您可以輕鬆增加體內 TUDCA 的量。  


在您的體內,TUDCA 是透過微生物過程產生的。膽鹽經由肝膽管釋放到腸道。然後腸道中的微生物將膽鹽代謝為熊去氧膽酸 (UDCA)。隨後將其與牛磺酸分子連接以形成 TUDCA。下面列出了 Tudca 的一些主要優點:

膽汁流動 – TUDCA 有助於消除阻塞肝膽管流動的物質。一些研究表明,補充 TUDCA 可以幫助膽汁移動增加 250%!TUDCA 可以增加膽汁釋放,同時也可以改善膽汁本身的質量,直接有益於您的肝細胞。您腸道內的微生物會產生更多的膽鹽,從而產生更多您自己的 TUDCA。

肝臟組織中的粒線體 -當您的肝膽管被堵塞時,您的肝臟開始在細胞層面從內到外死亡。當您的肝臟無法將污染物排出並被腸道帶走時,您的肝細胞中就會產生大量自由基。這些肝細胞的粒線體受到所有活性氧的攻擊。這使得它們無法正確完成蛋白質折疊的工作。一旦肝細胞不能有效地完成其工作,它們就會被編程死亡。TUDCA 有助於維持正確的摺疊過程、減少自由基並阻止肝細胞程序性細胞死亡。

肝臟酵素 – 當您的肝臟因膽管阻塞而承受高壓力時,您的肝臟酵素會顯著升高。TUDCA 的另一個好處是降低這些肝臟酵素。一項研究表明,即使是適度的 TUDCA 劑量也會在短短兩個月內降低您的肝臟酵素。

肝膽管 – 健康時,您的肝臟會將 ATP 釋放到膽汁中。如果您的肝細胞功能失調,它們無法用 ATP 填充您的膽汁,但 TUDCA 有助於將 ATP 輸送到膽汁液中。這很重要,因為膽汁中的 ATP 為您的膽管細胞提供了額外的保護,並防止它們在肝臟傾倒危險化學物質並被糞便帶走時受損或結疤。

腸道 -如果您的肝膽管無法正常運作,您的腸道功能將會受到負面影響。膽管阻塞會導致:腸道發炎、腸道基因表現改變、腸漏症、腸道微生物組改變、胰島素抗性增加、微絨毛損傷和喪失。TUDCA 經過研究並證明可以幫助解決所有這些潛在問題。

此外,某些藥物可以透過化學方式改變您的膽汁流量、膽汁品質和肝臟酵素計數,TUDCA 在這些情況下可以顯著支持您的肝臟。我們在 Tudca+ 中添加了膽鹼,以進一步幫助支持肝功能。


建議劑量:每天兩次,每次 1 粒。


份量 1 粒

每個容器份數 60

每份的量 每日價值百分比
膽鹼(酒石酸氫膽鹼) 27.5毫克 5%
TUDCA(牛磺熊去膽酸) 250毫克

† 每日攝取量未確定。


In your body, TUDCA is made through a microbial process. Bile salts are released into your intestines through your liver bile duct. Then the microbes in your gut metabolize the bile salts into Ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). Later it is connected to a Taurine molecule to create TUDCA.

Bile Flow – TUDCA helps remove what’s jamming your liver bile duct from flowing. Some studies show that supplementing with TUDCA can help get bile moving up to 250% more! TUDCA increases bile release but it also improves the quality of the bile itself, directly benefiting your liver cells. There is a higher amount of the bile salts for the microbes in your intestines to create more of your own TUDCA.

Mitochondria In Your Liver Tissue – When your liver bile duct is blocked, your liver starts to die from the inside out on a cellular level. When your liver can’t dump its pollutants to be hauled away by your intestines, a mas­sive amount of free radicals are produced in your liver cells. The mitochondria of these liver cells are under attack from all the reactive oxygen species. It makes it impossible for them to do their job of folding proteins correctly. Liver cells are programmed to die once they can’t do their jobs effectively. TUDCA helps to main­tain the proper folding process, reduces free radicals, and stops your liver cells from programmed cell death.

Liver Enzymes – When your liver is under high stress because of a blocked bile duct, your liver enzymes can elevate significantly. Another TUDCA benefit is lowering these liver enzymes. One study showed that even a modest TUDCA dose will lower your liver enzymes in as little as two months.

Liver Bile Duct – Your liver releases ATP into bile when it is healthy. If your liver cells are dysfunctional, they can’t fill your bile with ATP, but TUDCA helps deliver ATP into the bile liquid. This is important because ATP in the bile gives your bile duct cells added protection and prevents them from becoming damaged or scarred as the liver dumps dangerous chemicals to be taken away by your stools

Intestines – If your liver bile duct isn’t working properly, your intestine function is going to be effected nega­tively. Your blocked bile duct can lead to: intestinal inflammation, changed gene expression in the gut, leaky gut, altered gut microbiome, increased insulin resistance, damage and loss of microvilli. TUDCA has been researched and has been shown to help with all of these potential issues.

Additionally certain drugs can chemically alter your bile flow, bile quality, and liver enzyme count, TUDCA can significantly support your liver in these situations. We have added Choline to Tudca+ to further help support liver function.
